Page name: black arrow tavern [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-24 19:07:43
Last author: travs the bean
Owner: travs the bean
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Welcome once again to the Black Arrow Tavern my friend, where the food is rich and drinks are plenty. Yet mind you, tis not a place to leave your purse lying about, and be wary of the goblins that haunt below and you'll be fine. Yet if yer looking for tales of adventures and treasures far off, than you've found the right place. Yes it has been a while, and there have been changes, but the dust is being cleaned off and the chairs straightened so if you need a place to stay for the night, here it might be

We offer the finest collection of drinks in elftown, as well as the the most excellent meat dishes. So pull up a stool or find a table and make yer self at home. If you are planning to stay a while there are plenty of rooms to choose from. Each with warm beds and a nice fires. Breakfast is at 11 and the bar never closes.

the rules
Now all we ask is you pay yer bill, and keep your squables at the door. There will be none of that here now. Also keep yer filthy mutts off the wenches or you might end up with an arrow to the back...we tend to keep an eye on our own here.

Also we have new openings and changes here at black arrow tavern:characters. So if your interested at playing more indepth roles- here is the place to go.

staff on duty:

[travs the bean] the barkeep;
[Igorina]aka Jynx
So feel free to ask for anything.

the drinks
Ale........................2 copper
Mead.....................1 copper
Eldenberry.............1 silver
Rock Ale.................1 copper, 1 silver
Black Root Ale.........2 copper
Fire Water...............3 copper
Goldberry Wine........1 gold
Brandy Wine............3 silver (sort of rare)

Todays Special: all you can eat
Roast Mutton, Bread, and Roasted Vegtebles 2 silver

Rooms per night
the floor.............1 copper
common room.....3 copper
room 2 beds........5 copper 1 silver
private room........3 silver

to the other rooms of the tavern
Black Arrow Tavern:Upstairs the 1st floor Map is done!
Black Arrow Tavern: 2nd Floor 2nd floor is done

important: this story is played through out many rooms- things happen in other places at the same time as in the inn and if you are not in the room you miss out on the adventure or danger:) so as more rooms open up we would encourage you to keep to story or stories going- because it all does not happen on the main floor:)

working on the cellar- which leads to the sewers(coming)

the map of the main floor
this will help you get around the inn- working on the second level and maybe the third as well- be patient
Legend to come...
all the tables are drawn without chairs- sorry- time issues:) and the storage room is off limits;) as well as the kitchen for the most part cause [Rennie] will prob beat you down like an old rug if she catches you there

if you need to buy stuff and gear for that next adventure or get a potion or two go here- i hear [Kileaiya] might be hiring once she gets her store in order:)
black arrow tavern:warehouse

character: who's who
black arrow: character sheet
come to the inn and you can create your own character- mind you as it grows more occupations will open up:) - than post your character here
black arrow tavern:characters

If you want to advertize the tavern here's the small graphic and the link.
black arrow tavern

**** i've been asked if anyone can join- the answer is always yes- just roleplay smart- a lot of people are not fans of the super warrior- or character that has it all- it makes things unrealistic- the tavern is in the poorer section of town- the main hall is open to all- get a room and that's were the adventure begins- just keep it clean.

we'll come up with a smart roleplay guide in a bit- but until then have a drink if you have the coin

Travs the bean

Black Arrow Tavern:Outside



we will delete a post if you break character- use the mail system to chat- not here- do not break character

god like powers and magic
If you want to be the most powerful kid on the block than this wiki is not for you- we will get rid of those and delete those post that we find fit this.We are looking for fun, realistic play, where you use your wits rather than your powers.... SO leave them at the door- Magis is allowed but in the inn it is greatly reduced and it will have damaging effects at time- (i am a big fan of friendly fire)

Username (or number or email):


2006-09-08 [*(.Randi.)*]: *comes in tiredly* Good morn' to you all. *hands barkeep 2 copper* just Ale thanks.

2006-09-08 [travs the bean]: morning? surly you jest it is still dusk **the barkeep smiled and as he wiped down a glass**

2006-09-08 [*(.Randi.)*]: *looks out the window* Ah yes.'Tis so. My eyes droop this evenin'. Surely the ale will help with that? *O'rdon grins as he hads the barkeep 3 copper* My feet will not be able to drag this heavy body out th' door this night. Might I have a common room to rest my weary head?

2006-09-08 [travs the bean]: **he took the coins and smiled** would you like another drink as well?

2006-09-08 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Which one upstairs? ::Jared asked::

2006-09-08 [travs the bean]: i believe it was the main hall on the first floor

2006-09-08 [*(.Randi.)*]: sure....*O'rdon rubbed his face*   ::Narrattor:: It had been a long day.....

2006-09-08 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep poured a glass of ale and put it in front of him** here ya go lad- just to keep you going.

2006-09-08 [*(.Randi.)*]: Thanks. Sir? Do...erm...did you know my mother? ::Narrator:: O'rdon was bent on finding people who knew his mother to tell him how his mother died. His father said that she died in a fire. He knew better than that.

2006-09-08 [travs the bean]: i am sorry lad, i have no idea who you are let alone your mother

2006-09-08 [*(.Randi.)*]: *O'rdon looked down, embarrased* my apologies, then, sir... ::Narrator:: he mumbled. *O'rdon finished his ale and started to walk to the room, turned back and asked the barkeep on more question* Sir, where's my room?

2006-09-08 [travs the bean]: Don't be sad lad, just a lot of people come through here. As for your room- 1st floor common. Just find an empty cot and watch your stuff- the house ain't responsible for thievery *the barkeep smiled**

2006-09-09 [Remos Page]: barkeep how bad is that fire water?
drink you have ?
does it give you heart burn
or is it just hot ?

2006-09-09 [Juiced]: * a male walks into the taven and sits at the bar* barkeep a pint of ale if you would plz *holds up a gold piece*

2006-09-09 [Remial]: Ralk, noticing the barkeep was otherwise occupied, pushed his plate away, gulped down the last of his mead, and walked up the stairs to his room.

2006-09-12 [Thaylian]: *A young woman, flame red hair and skin as pale as milk approaches the last place around that she hasn't been turned out of. She sweeps her eyes over the outside of the building and listens to the noise inside for a moment or two. She hesisitates and slowly walks inside, her right hand on her whip as she does so. She leans against the wall nearest to the door, overly aware that she might be thrown out of this establishment as well.* "Excuse me.... um... might I get a room?"

2006-09-12 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep made his way down the row- amazed at the amount of people in the bar. He took the gold and poured some ale leaving a full glass for shadow then turned towards remos** it'll drop most men to the floor- made by dwarves of the rock hills. Powerful kick extremely addictive and not for the faint of heart**he said with a smile.

*then turning toward the woman** a room lass, aye we have a few that are still open

2006-09-12 [Thaylian]: *Thay seems to relax slightly, at least her hand dropped away from the whip* What will I owe you for a month?

2006-09-12 [travs the bean]: it will all depend on the room you want

2006-09-12 [Juiced]: *shadow took the glass and drank the ale in one gulp* the is nothing to be worried about me lady there are hardly any hologins that come by here

2006-09-12 [Remos Page]: oh!! made by dwarves
tho guys can eat rocks and still not be
feeling ill ,
no thanks just a beer then barkeeper when you have done with the lovly lady *smiles*
*thinks maybe i can get some for the men for when they get bad wounds in battle?*

2006-09-12 [travs the bean]: no problem good sir...**the barkeep poured another glass and put it on the bar in front remos** hear you go

2006-09-13 [Thaylian]: *she grins slightly, but the smile doesn't touch her eyes* Just a single bed and a small space. Nothing fancy for I'm not one for too many comforts. *she takes a purse out of a pocket and opens it, some of her hair falling over her shoulder. She sweeps it back without thinking and looks at the keeper.* Also, I was wondering if you might need an extra set of hands? You need not pay me, I just... *she struggles to find the words a bit and then shakes her head a bit* I would like to have a purpose.

2006-09-13 [travs the bean]: what can you do?

2006-09-14 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg walked in silently and sat at the bar and hands the bar keep and nods ~

2006-09-14 [Sylvia Rote]: ~she gets up to order a drink, leaving her goodies on the table except for some chicken~ I haven't got any coin, but could i barter with ye for an ale? ~smiles at Travs~ Best German fried chicken you've ever had.

2006-09-14 [Sylvia Rote]: Looks back at Zepher~ And no, i didn't use any tricks to get me new job; just was myself ~smiles~ though i do sing at work sometimes.

2006-09-15 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -smiles- I see

2006-09-15 [Thaylian]: *she shifts slightly and tugs gently at a strand of her hair* I can heal and restore someone an inch from death, just as long as the spirt clings. I'm a trained bar maid and I can grow any plant in any soil. Not to mention tame the wildest of animals.

2006-09-15 [travs the bean]: really...**the barkeep smiled raising his eyebrows-** with such great skills why would you want to be a barmaid- i would think the potions dealer next door might have more use for you than i

2006-09-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg sat at the counter and said nothing ~

2006-09-16 [Ryuk Kannagi]: Travs a drink please, anything will do.

2006-09-18 [Thaylian]: *her eyes drop and she shifts uncomfortably* Well.... I doubt merry much he would... *her long hair falls over her face and she disappears behind a red curtain of her locks* You see... I'm... sort of... unwelcome in most places I go.

2006-09-18 [Igorina]: " Join the club..." Jynx muttered under her breath. The halfling took another drag of her cigar and contemplated going upstairs for a quick nap. 

2006-09-19 [moonscale]: Liura walked in and noticed Keyurg. She frowned slightly. He had a talent for always just standing in the way didn't he? she thought. With a small sigh she lowered herself into a seat at a table near the stairs.

2006-09-19 [Thaylian]: *the smallest of smiles graces her lips, her eyes momentarily turning from emerald to a frosted grey* And besides, I don't want to be paid for my work. *she gently raises her head, as if listening to a voice in the wind* 

2006-09-20 [Juiced]: *sit's Quietly listening to Thaylian*

2006-09-20 [Yuriona]: *the Undertaker Ranewen slipped quietly into the tavern, noting the people who were seated within. She walked quietly to the bar and finding an empty seat, sat down and hailed the bartender.*
"Might I trouble you for an ale please Travs," she said quietly, giving Jinx a brief nod of greeting.

2006-09-20 [Juiced]: *notices the new person that has entered but keeps listening to Thaylian*

2006-09-20 [Igorina]: Jynx waggled her finger at Ranewen by way of greeting, blew a ring of smoke into the air and took her cigar out of her mouth before swigging her drink. She then nearly choked on it when she heard what the newcomer had said. She coughed and sputtered,and slapped a hand over her mouth, trying hard not to laugh. She brushed the ale from the front of her shirt looked over at Travis and SMIRKED in a most annoying way.

2006-09-21 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -stiffles his laughter just before it bursts from his lips, as he watched Jynx choke on her ale- Bet that's a first.

2006-09-21 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen raised an eyebrow at the outburst but otherwise kept her expression neutral, sliding two copper coins across the bar as payment for the ale.*
"It be either compassion or foolishness that does compel such a statement girl," she remarked dryly, "I can only hope that it is not the latter of the two in this instance though I would not be at all surprised if it were."

2006-09-22 [Thaylian]: *Thay tilts her head a bit* "I ask no payment for two reasons; firstly, I have too much money as it is and secondly, I don't feel that helping another living being warrents payment. The ability to help and knowing that I have paid back to the chain of life is payment enough." *She flushes a little and bows her head, afraid that her boldness might find her trouble.* 

2006-09-22 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen snorted in amusement*
"Bragging about your supposed wealth in a place like this only invites trouble girl," she stated flatly, "And as for the chain of life, all things have a beginning and an end. To cheat death there must be a price exacted so the balance may be maintained." *She turned then to look at the other, her dark eyes glowing reddish in the dim light of the bar*
"Did you ever wonder what price your talent costs?" the Undertaker wondered then, "You think you are doing some great service when in fact you may be in fact doing more harm than good."

2006-09-23 [*(.Randi.)*]: O'rdon walks down the stairs in deep concentration. He walks up to the bar, paying no heed to anyone in his way. "Sorry, I need another ale." He handed over the money.

2006-09-23 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg noticed Luira and said nothing but instead turned and walked out of the tavern quietly pausing momentairily to glance back and then he trailed off towards the watch house ~

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: ~looks over at Travs~ I have no money, but i do have this. ~holds up a beautiful beaded purse~ Care to barter?

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg stopped momentairly at the door and turned around looking at the bar once more and decides to stay put for a moment as he walks back over to the bar ~ Ummm....mind if I pay for your drink? ~ he said wearily hoping [Sylvia Rote] wouldn't take offense ~

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: ~looks at and smiles~ I do mind, I don't need charity..BUT ~hands him the purse~ you can buy this from me ~smiles more~ And then I can buy a drink with you

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg looked at the floor and then stuck his hand in his pockets momentarily ~ How much, and how did you aquire it? If you don'y mind me asking...~ he said quietly ~

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: ~eyes roll back in her head a moment as she thinks, then go back~ don't remember! how much you think it's worth?

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg thought for a moment and looked at the bag ~ 1 gold, 5 copper. Sound fair?

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: Sure, but...~eyes him~ what would a boy want with a purse?

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg handed her 1 gold and 5 copper and smiled as he tucked the purse in his satchel ~ What? Don't I look good with a purse? ~ he said jokingly ~ I will give it to someone who could use it, and you need money. So is that not a fair trade?

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: ~laughs lightly~ i suppose. ~looks at Travs~ I would like to buy two ales please.

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg smiled and looked at the bar top ~ So, what is your name? That is if I may ask?

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: Nobody ~smiles at him~ my name is Nobody...and i just got back from yelling at a Sea God and while poking out his sons only eye

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles lightly ~ Ah! so you have a name in which you are trying to conceal? The Sea God, Posideon. And The Cyclops? That must have been a funny bout, am I correct?

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: ~chokes a bit on her ale as she laughs~ Oh, so you know that poem!! Well then...~thinks a moment~ I'm a Boy Named Sue...

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles ~ Well Sue, how do you do? ~ he said as he took a swig of his ale ~ I know that song as well!

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: Poem...~smiles~ Silverstein...but Cash sang it well...~sips her ale more carefully~ So you're new.

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg shook his head but then changed it to a nod ~ Yes, and no. I have been here for a long while, but I have been away for a few days.

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: oh...well i'm not new....~finishes her ale~ well i'm done, you can have the second one.

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg finished his ale and layed the mug back on the counter easily ~ So, how have your travels been?

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: I have been hopping from port to port and following merchant routes...and have seen, eaten, and done things i never thought I would...but I always missed home

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg nodded ~ I have also, so what line of work are you in?

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: Art. I make it, buy it, sell it, analyze it, whatever ~smiles~

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg nods and smiles ~ That is a good line of work. How is that going for you?

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: not that great, but!! I'm having fun. i was even turned into a newt once by and angry witch

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg giggled and then frowned ~ I was turned into a toad, with nubs for back legs. All I could do is push, I could hop! I still have the scars ~

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: ~shudders and moves away a bit~ sorry..i have terribly Bufonophobia and Ranidaphobia

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Smiles ~ What exactly does that mean? ~ thinking that he is a desease or something ~

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: a fear of toads and frogs

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: Now you know...

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg giggled ~ Oh! I don't know big words like that!

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: i know lots of them; like what's your fear?

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ thinks ~ water and heights

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: you shouldn't tell that to strangers

2006-09-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles and shrugs ~ I don't really care who knows it, let them use it against me! I will survive, yet again

2006-09-25 [Sylvia Rote]: again?

2006-09-25 [moonscale]: Liura listened to Keyurg and rolled her eyes. "Fool." she muttered to herself. Did he think himself invincible? She walked over to the bar. She might as well just talk to the barkeeper. "I'll have the special." she said pushing two silver across the counter.

2006-09-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: O'rdon waited patiently for his ale. He got bored, and decided to have small talk with the woman beside him. "Good evenin' to you, madame."

2006-09-26 [Sylvia Rote]: ~eats some nuts in a dish on the bar~ I love these....he always has the sweet ones.

2006-09-26 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keurg smiled and nodded ~ Yes, again. Well, I must go take care of some business. I will see you around. Have a nice night! ~ he said as he turned and walked off seeing Luira and smiled warmly and exited the tavern ~

2006-09-26 [Sylvia Rote]: ~looks around a bit startled~ what just happened? ~sees the second ale~ oh goody...~sips it~ those peanuts sure make you thirsty

2006-09-26 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: <<Jared comes down the stairs, walks over to the bar and places a golden coin on the bartop>> Two Ales, please! For me and my friend that's coming after me. <<Jared looks at the stairs waiting wor Ralk to come down>>

2006-09-26 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen sits quietly, sipping at her ale. She gave Jared a brief nod as he entered the bar area and waited patiently for Thay to reply.*

2006-09-26 [Thaylian]: *Thay's eyes flash for a moment from emerald to a tangerine orange and she straightens her back a bit* "Any and all concequences from my talents are directed only to me. I take the punishment. And it is not cheating death when the soul lingers! If it were truely their time, the soul would simply move on as I was taught. I would never force a soul back when unwilling." *she sharply pulls the shoulder of her dress down, revealing a brand. The marking is ornate and deep, a circle with two slash marks through it* "I know what comes of my help... can you say the same or are you as most others? Allowing fate to work itself out while you watch the struggle?" *she can't quite keep the bitterness out of her soft voice and she lowers her eyes*

2006-09-26 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen shrugged then*
"So says you," she answered cooly, "but have you the ability to read Fate? Are you so talented that you know that what you do is or is not what Fate intended? I doubt it." She took another deep draught of ale.
"As for me, my fate is of yet a mystery to me," she answered simply, "Fate has brought me to this town so I can only imagine what it has in store for me here. I think you will find soon enough girl that Fate does as it wishes and those who think they may change what Fate has in store for them are in fact acting out exactly what was intended for them." She smirked.
"My interest is more in those whose Fate is up," she stated then, "as for that mark upon you, it means nothing to me. I could care less that you flash it at me. But pray should you come across one whose soul has fled this mortal plain, bring the shell to me so I might put it where it belongs." She got to her feet then, her ale mug empty.

"Oh, and by the way," Ranewen remarked, her face cold, "Not all souls linger because it is not their time. Some linger for other reasons than to grasp futilely at a life that is dead and done. Good evening." The Undertaker drew up her hood and turning her back on the girl, exited the Inn and headed back to her shop.

2006-09-26 [Thaylian]: *Thay keeps her eyes down, her eyes turning black as she closes them. She shivers slightly and gently places 3 coppers on the bar* "A room, please...." *her voice is small and soft, as if she might cry, but she doesn't. She keeps her eyes on the bar as she waits for the keep to toss her out*

2006-09-26 [*(.Randi.)*]: O'rdon waited for [moonscale]'s response. There came none. He just smiled awkwardly and sipped his ale. "Thank you, barkeep." He looked around him. The bar had only a couple of people in it. O'rdon couldn't help but to listen to two of the women have a heated conversation. He watched as one left, and the other looked as if she was going to burst into tears. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know her. Instead, he carefully sipped his ale again.

2006-09-26 [Remial]: "I'm coming I'm coming," Ralk said as he waded through the sea of people and sat beside Jared. He also spied O'rdon a few seats down, engaged in conversation.

2006-09-26 [moonscale]: Liura shook her head. Had that man just spoken to her? the effects of her magical sleep still lingered. She turned to him. "Who are you?" she asked in her normal rough manner.

2006-09-27 [Sylvia Rote]: ~sips her drink as she listened in on the conversation over souls and smiles to the barkeep~ I love this kind of stuff, Travs...~bites her bottom lip in a smile and shakes her head~ It brings me back...

2006-09-27 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: <<Jared looked at Ralk>> Now all we need is service... <<then he cleared his throat and started drumming a tune with his claws on the bartop>>

2006-09-27 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya brushed off her shoulder slightly as she entered the bar. She took the nearest empty seat. "I'll have a glass of mead if you will, Trav."

2006-09-27 [Thaylian]: *Thay goes and sits at an empty table, hating herself for being so weak as to be threatened by tears. She swipes at her eyes and reminds herself that she made the choice to live as she does and she shouldn't start feeling guilty about it now. She takes a small leather bound note book from her small pack, the same symbol on the cover as is branded on her skin. She opens it and turns to find a blank page.*

2006-09-27 [*(.Randi.)*]: O'rdon coughed and spluttered as the woman to his left asked him a quiestion. He finally swallowd his mouthfull and turned to her and grinned. "Er..My name is O'rdon! What is yours, may I ask?"

2006-09-28 [Thaylian]: *Thay scribbles something on the page and sighs, she puts the book away and stares at her hands, then folds them in her lap. She looks about to the others around her, slightly afraid that she will upset someone else if she tries to jump into a conversation.*

2006-09-29 [moonscale]: "Liura Jasthen." she looks him over a little more carefully. "What brings you to these parts?" she asks, her curiousity peaked though she refuses to show it.

2006-09-29 [*(.Randi.)*]: O'rdon smiles akwardly and thinks. What should I tell her? I am almost a man! How can I tell her that I ran away from home without her thinking I am but a child? He noticed Liura's expression and hurried his decision. Discontented with his choice, he blurted out the truth. "I ran away from home, because my father is lying to me about my mother's death." O'rdon's eyes went wide as he realized what he had just said. He had pretty much told his life to a complete stranger in one sentence. He bit his lip in anxiousness as to what Liura would say.

2006-09-29 [moonscale]: Liura's face went blank for an instance. "So you have no home." She said briefly. She looked down at her wrinkled hands. "Are you searching for the truth about your mother?" Her expression had softened somewhat, though it could not truly be called kind.  

2006-09-30 [*(.Randi.)*]: O'don tilted his head and looked at the dirt on his leather shoe. "Well, not exactly." He frowned at some invisible hair on his sleeve and plucked it off. "I mean, it is comforting to know that if I am in dire need, I always have somewhere to run," he said, more to himself then to anyone else. " father loves me, he just cannot.." O'rdon's frown grew deeper. "He cannot explain what truly happened to my mother without killing me." Finally, O'rdon looked up into Liura's dark eyes. "It is confidential, my father says."

2006-09-30 [moonscale]: Liura nodded without saying anything. After a moment she asked, "and what are you doing now? Are you simply planning to stay here till your funds run out? Or do you have some sort of plan."

2006-09-30 [*(.Randi.)*]: "Well, I was thinking of asking if I could work here for my food, drink and room...." O'rdon blushed something furious as he said this.

2006-09-30 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg enter the tavern and sat down at a vacant table, looking around, thinking to himself ~

2006-09-30 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled as she took the mead that had been put in front of her. She turned on her seat surveying the the room, her eyes lit upon Ralk, and she stood. She made her way over to him, "Hello. Mind if I sit?" She then turned to Jared, "That is if it's ok with your friend?"

2006-09-30 [Danboo]: Daniel walks in and takes a seat on the barstool, his hair is messed up, tussled, and is slightly panting.

2006-09-30 [*(.Randi.)*]: O'rdon noted the new arrivals, wondering who he should start a conversations with next. He politly excused himself, and wandered over to [Keyurg Kirosake] sitting by himself, staring into space. O'rdon pointed to the seat next to [Keyurg Kirosake] and asked, "Mind if I join you?"

2006-10-01 [Remos Page]: Remo had been sitting there for the last hour, drinking his drink listening to all the talk
His cloak over his armor his sword at his side wishing he was still young but at 37
He was filling his age,
All he liked now is a woman to live with and no more wars to be in,
One more drinks I think ,before time to go back to the men,
One more beer please bar man,

2006-10-01 [moonscale]: Liura called to Travs. "I'll have an ale." she hesitated another moment before asking, "Might you have some information for me? I'm looking for someone."

2006-10-02 [Thaylian]: *Thay tilts her head slightly and begins to braid her long hair. She seems to be zoned out as her fingers nimbly weave. She hums a little to herself, then quits and wrinkles her nose. She sighs and closes her eyes as she finishes off her task, leaving a semi-nice braid to fall to her lower back.*

2006-10-02 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: <<Jared looked at Kileaiya and smiled a Cheshire Cat grin>> Why... Of course it is! The more- the merrier... And fine company is ALWAYS welcome.

2006-10-03 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg looked up at the person and stood up and nodded ~ I do not mind. Have a seat.

2006-10-03 [Lothuriel]: *The bounty hunter, Vexx preceeded only by his nasty reputation, entered the tavern with a bounty in tow. The figure stayed close to him, hands bound and covered with a hooded cloak. Vexx tipped his hat to a few familiars and waved down a wench. He needed a drink, fast.*

2006-10-03 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg got up quickly and rushed to his side as he noticed the person's tone ~ What is wrong?

2006-10-03 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor quietly entered the tavern, it seemed a lot busier now than it had earlier, he made his way to the bar taking an empty seat where he waited patiently to be served*

2006-10-03 [Lothuriel]: *Vexx's captive reached up with her bound hands to remove her hood but, Vexx quickly pulled them down and shook his head. They exchanged a few whispered words, then she nodded and pulled her hood back just a bit reavealing her face entirely. Her features were odd to say the least. At first glance, she looked like a beautiful raven-haired girl but upon closer inspection, it was obvious that she wasn't entirely human. Her black eyes showed no white, her skin an olive tone and almost shimmering. Her bone structure was very defined with thick, full rose colored lips.

2006-10-03 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled at Jared, "I'll be right back, I've just spotted someone I need to have a word with. But for my rudeness how about a round on me?" She sat a enough coin for the two to purchase themselves an Ale, and headed over to Viktor. She plopped down beside him, and with a sarcastic smile she said, "Well hello Viktor, dear."

2006-10-03 [Lothuriel]: Vexx remembered Kileaiya from his stay before. He gave her a smile and tipped his hat in her direction as she passed by, "M'am" he acknowleged her.

2006-10-03 [Elisha Kelly]: hello yourself *he replied not looking at her*

2006-10-03 [Lothuriel]: Vexx leaned over to his captive and spoke to her with a whisper. She noded as he stood up and walked toward the bar. He leaned over the bar and lit his cigar. "Got any private rooms?"

2006-10-03 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor noticed Vexx, knowing instantly what this man did for a living. His clothes, weapons, the way he moved, even the way he seemed to be aware of everyone and thing in the room gave him away. Viktor looked to the table from where the man had come, and his eyes narrowed. A girl sat there, and no ordinary girl at that... this could only lead to trouble and more trouble was something Viktor did not need at this time* That's a pretty bounty you have there *Viktor said casually while he grasped Kileaiya's hand in a firm grip below the bar.*

2006-10-03 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled at Vexx and threw him a wave before returning her attention to Viktor, who was grasping her hand a little too tightly for comfort. She leaned in close to whisper, "You can loosen your grip Viktor, I don't think he's going to try anything whilst in the tavern."

2006-10-03 [Elisha Kelly]: it's not him I'm worried about *Viktor said grimly, with a subtle nod towards the black eyed girl*

2006-10-03 [Thaylian]: *Thay shivers slightly, knowing what may befall the bounty. She glares at the hunter for a moment and then shakes her head sadly, looking down at her hands. They were clasped tightly in her lap, her knuckles becoming a startling white. She scoops up her pack and decides to take a walk, being sure that her right shoulder is completely covered by the pack's strap.*

2006-10-03 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: <<Jared looked around and then looked at Ralk>> I... <<Jared shivered for an instant, as if a sudden chill passed through his body>> Dislike crowds, unless when there's a concert, or need for me to be in one... Moo many conversations start hurting my feline ears... <<with that Jared stood up and looked over to the staircase>> If anyone needs me- I'll be upstair in the library, having a book and cigarette... <<Jared took his Ale>> ...and the rest of my ale. Untill later... <<Jared walked over to the staircase, as if he were a slim shadow, making his way through tables and people, and vanished upstairs>>

2006-10-03 [Kileaiya]: "Ah," Kileaiya had the distinct feeling she was missing something, but she shrugged it off. "Alright Viktor, you on duty or just out for a walk? Buy you an Ale?"

2006-10-03 [*(.Randi.)*]: Seeing the man jump up to help another, O'rdon shrugged and decided to go upstairs. He liked it better when it was quiet.

2006-10-03 [Lothuriel]: Vexx glared briefly at Viktor, sizing him up before he answered, "Aye, that it is," Vexx blew the smoke into the air, away from their faces, then tipped his hat to Kileaiya. He noticed a woman ([Thaylian]) glare at him as she walked past. He gave her a crooked smile and made a mental note of her care to cover her right shoulder. He leaned on the bar, still smoking his cigar and keeping a close eye on his captive who still had not moved from her spot.

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg shrugged and left quietly ~

2006-10-04 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor nodded his head to Vexx making a mental note to keep his eye on the man and his wereabouts, before turning to Kileaiya* for once I am not on duty... so an Ale would indeed be welcome.

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: *Vexx walked back to his captive and sat down with his drink. He kept a watchful eye on the room, especially Viktor. He leaned back and continued to smoke his cigar and sip his drink.

2006-10-04 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya rumaged in her pocker for 4 copper, and mumbled to herself that she needed to stop buying people drinks or she'd be free of all the money she'd managed to save back. She sat the coin on the bar and asked the barkeep for two ale. The feline ran her hand through her hair pulling her bangs from her forehead, turning to Viktor once more. "So," she began, "I bet you're just dying to know what I was talking to Mark about aren't you?"

2006-10-04 [Elisha Kelly]: you know it *he replied with a grin* but you are not going to tell me are you?

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: After a few moments, a tall figure dressed in fine clothing stepped through the front door. His snobbish attitude hung in the air only thicker than his perfumed hair. He paused for a moment while scanning the room then approached Viktor, "Ah, you must be the bounty hunter am I correct." He snarled his lip as if it disgusted him to even speak to Viktor.

2006-10-04 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled cheekily at Viktor, "I wouldn't be a, what was it you called me? 'A saucy little wench'? If I went telling all my secrets now would I?"

2006-10-04 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor smiled at Kileaiya, then noticed the man as he began to speak. Viktor stood to his full height and raised an eyebrow his eyes cold and hard* and what business is it of yours?

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: *He looked at Kileaiya as if he were inspecting a fine dress, "I have your payment. My, my intriguing. Even more exotic than I imagined."

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg re-entered and saw the two arguing, and walked up to them wearily ~ May I help you? ~ he asked warmly ~

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: THe Nobleman glared at Keyurg and smiled smugly, "No, no good sir. Just a civil business transaction."

2006-10-04 [Elisha Kelly]: No I can handle it *Viktor said to Keyurg with a snarl* return to your patrol... what happens in the tavern is no concern of the guards

2006-10-04 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya glared at the new comer, “Excuse me?” She returned his inspecting gaze as she sized him up, “I do believe you have me mistaken for some sort of commodity. I suggest you stop staring at me like I’m some prize you’ve just won and be off.”

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg looked down at the man from his 6'2" height and stared at the man with an intensity that matched the man's glare and then turned to Viktor and frowned ~ Sir..if I may interject...

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: The Nobleman, visibly shaken, moved slowly away from the two. "Now, there is no need for hostilities, good man. We are both here to do our jobs. You to deliver the girl and I to pay you the money. Although, your bondsmen will be a bit displeased that the bounty is still breathing but, so be it."

2006-10-04 [Elisha Kelly]: You may not interject Keyurg, this business is between me and the gentlemen here *he smiled at the noblemen, ignoring Kileaiya's outburst* shall we take this outside?

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg looked at The other man and frowned ~ If you two must fight, then I suggest you leave here with it. There will be no fighting in the tavern.

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: "Certainly, sir...if you feel it necessary." He leaned in a bit closer to Viktor, "Shouldn't you have her in restraints? I be not the one to tell you how to run your business but, I have seen what she is capable of...not pretty, not pretty indeed."

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg stepped infront of Viktor and frowned ~ Leave now! Take your words with you!

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: "Fight, oh no no good sir, you misunderstand. This is no fight, but a business transaction. I will collect what is mine and be gone in less than the time it will take you to order your drink."

2006-10-04 [Elisha Kelly]: Keyurg mind your own business *Viktor said grabing the nobleman by the scruff* after you my good sir *then without waiting for a reply he led the man outside*

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg smiled and nodded ~ As you wish sir!

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: *Vexx gripped the handle of his whip tightly, watching, waiting to see what was going down. The leather of his gloves crackled as he slowly slid his whip off its holster. The girl with him quietly and slowly covered her face with her hood*

2006-10-04 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya followed quickly behind. She was getting damn tired of being thought of as a commodity, simply because she was a feline woman, or as prostitute. She shuddered visably as she remembered that unfortunate scene a few years back and sped up.

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg watched intently ~

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: *Vexx pulled out his revolver and calmly checked it, then placed it back in its holster. He took one last puff from his cigar then stood up and started toward the door*

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg nodded to the man as he enter the tavern ~

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg exited quietly ~

2006-10-04 [Lothuriel]: vexx's captive, moved slowly from the seat where the two had been sitting and started up the stairs, hoping not to be noticed. But only half way up the stairs, she turned and ran for the door.

2006-10-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg returned quietly and looked around for Luira, silently ~

2006-10-05 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor re-entered the tavern and stormed across to were Luira sat and sat down beside her* We are going to have to accelerate our plans *He said quietly*

2006-10-05 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya stepped through the door and looked around. If Viktor hadn't of sat by Liura she would have like to have a word with him, but as it were she decided to just wait. The feline took a seat near the back of the tavern where she could watch for Viktor to be alone.

2006-10-06 [moonscale]: "m" she said. Her wrinkles creased depper as she frowned. "I agree. Has something happened?"

2006-10-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: Faín hesitantly knocked on the closed door. After a couple of minutes of nobody answering, she realized that she probably should just walk in. She opened the door and held her breath. She never like taverns. In fact, it was a Tavern that had torn her family apart. The Boar's Head Tavern. Faín shuddered at the memory. She carefully made her way to an empty table. Maybe my brother came here to mull things over. He always liked to do that. Faín sat down at the table and put her head in her hands.

2006-10-06 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor leaned closer to Luira* A bounty hunter just rode into town, and he has himself a bounty that that is going to cause no end of trouble... some sort of half dragon creatures are after him and the girl. I just had a run in with one of them.

2006-10-06 [Linn Scarlett]: *walks into the tavern, return from a long and weary journey. She sits down on the table closest at hand and leans back in her chair, thanking various gods for a not muddy-rainy-grassy-grindy place to sit on*

2006-10-06 [moonscale]: "Half dragon!" Liura exclaimed softly. "Who is the girl anyway? I saw them before. The girl just ran." She nodded towards the door the girl had taken.

2006-10-06 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor shook his head* No idea, they were not exactly forthcoming.. *his stomach growled loudly, reminding him of why he had wandered down to the Tavern in the first place*

2006-10-07 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya sighed, she was growing quite restless. She edged out her seat and headed towards the door and exited, intending to head out for a walk.

2006-10-07 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg turned and left, obviously thinking of something to help the situation ~

2006-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: Fain raised her head and looked around. She was anxious to get out of the tavern. But first, she decided to look around to see if her brother was upstairs. Maybe, if there was a library, he would be up there.

2006-10-08 [TendoKing]: ~Illemar steps in from the sun and removes a protective strip of dark cloth from his eyes, he hangs his coat on a peg and goes to a table in the corner to sit.~

2006-10-08 [moonscale]: Liura too was felling hungry. She hadn't eaten since before her magical sleep. "We need more information!" she sighed impatiently. "Do you think they have something to do with the amulet?"

2006-10-08 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg entered the tavern and sat at the bar. ~ how much for some sausage and meade? ~ he asked politely ~

2006-10-08 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor thought for a moment* No... not that I can tell

2006-10-08 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg heard Viktor voice and looked at him and then to the floor as he walked over to him ~ I have an idea sir...

2006-10-08 [Linn Scarlett]: *gets up from her chair after having rested a bitt and looks around for one of the innkeeps, to see if she can order some food*

2006-10-09 [moonscale]: Liura looked at Keyurg suspiciously. She didn't like this fellow at all. "Be quick about your business boy." she grumbled.

2006-10-09 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor just nodded to Keyurg, indicating for him to continue*

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyuirg looked at Luira and frowned as he turned back to Viktor ~ They are part dragon correct?

2006-10-09 [Elisha Kelly]: I believe so *Viktor said with a elegant wave of his hand*

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg nodded and smiled ~ Then this might help, I found it on my travels...~ he said as he hand over a powdery susbstance to Viktor ~ This can either kill a dragon, with a large amount in their blood stream, or...~ he stopped suddenly ~ Can be used as a contaminate, to weaken the dragon side of would solve alot of the problem with their fighting capabilities...but it is your choice! ~ he said as he looked Viktor in the eyes ~

2006-10-09 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor tilted his head to the side... and looked up at Keyurg* Maybe you should give this to the bounty hunter... I daresay he would find it most useful... he should still be at the undertakers *Viktor paused a moment... it seemed as if he would say something more, but he did not, instead he waved his hand dismissively at Keyurg, and returned his attention to Luira*

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg interjected once more before turning and leaving ~ If I may sir...I have one more question for you...

2006-10-09 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor raised a brow* go on...

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: Might I ask what the is all about, I mean the full story, not the shortened version? ~ he said as he looked at Viktor with a twinkle in his eye ~

2006-10-09 [Elisha Kelly]: I know about as much as you do *Viktor said wearily, rubbing his eyes* you'll have to ask Vexx. I that all?

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg looked at the gorund and then to Luira ~ I think there is more to be told, but I am satisfied with your answer. Just remember, anything that isn't being told, could harm this girl...

2006-10-09 [Sylvia Rote]: ~listens in on what she can watching it all with a smiles~

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg noticed the woman and frowns as he looks back to Viktor ~

2006-10-09 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor merely nodded silently dismissing him*

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg turned and walked off as he noticed the woman at the bar and sat down ~

2006-10-09 [Sylvia Rote]: You seem anxious. ~spins lightly on the bar stool and looks at the guy next to her while she eats a pretzel~

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg looked at the woman and debated in his mind if he should tell her and decided not to ~ I am anxious, would you like a drink?

2006-10-09 [Sylvia Rote]: ~holds up her second ale~ No,ut thank you. ~sips it a bit~ So...I heard some...and i apologize...but...did you mention dragon?

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg nodded and frowned for a second ~ Yes ma'am as a matter of fact I did...why do you wish to know?

2006-10-09 [Sylvia Rote]: ~shrugs~ I just like to know...~holds up a large book with a sun emblem on it~ I write it all down here...or least most of it...the parts i like...

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg thought for a second ~ all you have to do is ask...

2006-10-09 [Sylvia Rote]: well i will. ~dinks her pretzels into her ale~

2006-10-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg smiled as he looked at her ~

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